Go Forth and Multiply Your Conversion Rates – WSI Infographic

Madelene - 2015-07-01

ROI Aficionados: Go Forth and Multiply Your Conversion Rates.

Here is our latest Infographic regarding conversion strategies.
One strategy is to create and develop several landing pages according to your overall digital marketing plan. Are you really using your website to the best? Get your website to work for you and convert more visitors into real customers. Depending of the size of your website it may not be sufficient with only one or a few landing pages. 


WSI Conversion Strategies


What if I told you I could press a button and either a) increase your website’s conversion rate by 0.5% or b) send 2000 visitors per month to your website?

Which number would you choose, 0.5 or 2000? Most business owners would take the 2000 visitors and run, and then my question would be, ”Do you know you site’s conversion rate?” Because if it’s low – or for example if it’s zero percent – 1000, 2000 or 10,000 more visitors won’t make a single cent of difference for your bottom line.

In digital marketing, a smaller increase of a critical metric can have a more meaningful impact on your business. So with this in mind, we focused the newest WSI infographic on landing pages, A/B testing and the power of turning website visitors into customers.


Go Forth and Multiply Your Conversion Rates


The full blog post was originally posted at: http://www.wsiworld.com/blog/infographic-go-forth-and-multiply-your-conversion-rates

Need help with conversion strategies or professional landing pages?

Contact WSI Sweden at info@wsiwebanalys.se or fill in the form. Book a free consultant meeting and we will take your digital marketing to the next level.

Don’t Waste Your Website Budget

Madelene - 2015-02-10

Believe it or not, we have seen many business owners flush down their website budget into the toilet!

Why is that? There can be many reasons why, but here we have compiled four reasons why money is spent the wrong way when it comes to websites.

  1. 94% of first impressions are design related
  2. 57% of companies don’t know how to optimise copy on their landing pages
  3. 40% of users will abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load it
  4. A load time of 8 seconds or more boosts your bounce rate to 150%


 Infographic - Experts Guide to Flushing Your Website Budget Down the Toilet







Top 3 Digital Resolutions for 2015

Madelene - 2015-01-03



1. Marketing and Sales departments should unite in order to show great results.

Traditionally these two teams haven’t seen eye to eye. But companies who have resolved this issue have seen an astounding 20 % increase in yearly revenue!

2. Evolve your customer experience across digital touch points.

The rise of technologies like micro-location, mobile payments, and wearables like Google Glass and smartwatches means companies will have to adopt and adjust their digital marketing initiatives accordingly.

3. Focus less on curating, and more on creating.

The focus will be more on creating original, one-of-a-kind content. Make sure this is part of your digital strategy for 2015.

Please include attribution to wsiworld.com with this graphic.

3 Ways To Ring In The New Year...Digitally!

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