Internationell Sökoptimering

Madelene - 2018-02-06

WSI WebAnalys SEO och Sökmotorer bild

Internationell sökoptimering och sökmotorer

När det gäller internationell sökoptimering och val av domäner är det mycket man bör veta och ta hänsyn till. De flesta företag har inte de resurser och den kunskap som krävs för att få bra resultat. Samtidigt bör man koppla ihop den digitala strategin med företagets kortsiktiga och långsikta affärsmål. WSI:s sökoptimeringsexperter jobbar dagligen med t.ex. Google Webmaster, Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Google Business, samt andra avancerade program och verktyg för att kunna analysera, förbättra och leverera goda resultat för våra internationella kunder. Det innebär bland annat att följa med i den tekniska utvecklingen. Inte alla har läst Google Webmaster Guidelines eller har en god förståelse för hur Google indexerar och hur rankningen fungerar internationellt. Riktlinjerna varierar dessutom gällande olika sökmotorer som Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo och Google. Dessutom ändras riktlinjerna och guiderna över tid så det är viktigt att veta när de har ändrats för att kunna justera strategin för hemsidor för att inte tappa i rankning.

Internationell sökoptimering och domäner

Innan man börjar tänka på hemsidans innehåll (content), lokalisering och lokala sökord för varje marknad bör man titta på den tekniska delen av hemsidan. Vilken domän som man använder när man fokuserar på lokala marknader kan påverka hur hemsidan fungerar.  Det finns flera alternativ gällande domänstruktur – här går vi igenom tre stycken. För alla alternativ finns det fördelar och nackdelar som man bör beakta. Vill du ha: minhemsida.com.se eller minhemsida.com/se eller se.minhemsida.com?    

  1. Toppdomäner länder (ccTLDs)
  2. Subkataloger/subdirectories
  3. Subdomän

Landskoder och toppdomäner 

County Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) är specifikt för ett land, t.ex.  .se för Sverige eller .fr för Frankrike.

Fördelar med landskoder och toppdomäner:

  • Automatiskt associerad med landet
  • Klart och tydligt för besökare att den här sajten är menad för dem
  • Tydligt i sökresultat att sajten riktar sig till ett specifikt land
  • I många länder föredrar kunder en lokalt baserad hemsida
  • För en del marknader fungerar ccTLD bättre gällande rankningar

Nackdelar med landskoder och toppdomäner:

  • Ökade kostnader för domänregistrering (om det gäller t.ex 40 länder behöver du 40 ccTLDs.
  • Du får ”börja från början” utan domänhistoria eller länkar när du lanserar sajten på en ny marknad
  • Du måste ibland ta hänsyn till dialekter eller samma språk som talas i olika länder
  • Hemsidan kommer att ha väldigt många externa länkar på den om du har ”valbart språk”, s.k. dropdown på alla sidor. Detta kan leda till att profilen för tillbakalänkarna domineras av länkar från dina egna sajter – det betyder att de tillbakalänkarna som du skapat inte kommer att vara lika kraftfulla.
  • SEO-arbete på en hemsida kommer inte att påverka alla hemsidor, de är alla separata.


Subkataloger och Subdirectories 

Subkataloger för specifika språk eller länder kan läggas till för vilken domän som helst, t.ex. (www.namn.com/se), men för att det ska fungera på ett effektivt sätt så behöver hemsidan också vara på en toppdomän som .com och inte en lokal domän som t.ex. de. Ett exempel på den här strukturen är Ikea – www.ikea.com/se/sv/.

Ikea hemsida domänstruktur bild

Fördelar med subkataloger:             

  • Sökoptimering som görs på en del av domänen kommer att påverka alla kataloger som att det skulle vara en sajt.
  • Du startar inte från början med en hemsida utan har auktoritet från originalsajten. Att ta hänsyn till gällande nya marknader.
  • Länkar mellan länder ses som interna länkar, inte externa, som hjälper din profil för tillbakalänkar eftersom de är framförallt länkar från andra människors hemsidor och inte huvudsakligen från din egen hemsida.
  • Inga extra kostnader för domäner och webbhotell.

Nackdelar med subkataloger:

  • I sökresultaten så är det inte uppenbart att subkatalogen finns särskilt för användare i det landet (/se/ kan även vara en sida som handlar om Svenska produkter snarare än en sida specifikt för Svenska besökare).
  • Ingen automatisk koppling i sökhänseende gällande specifikt land
  • Risk för intern kannibalisering – olika internationella landningssidor kan påverkas så att de konkurrerar med varandra i olika sökresultat och det kan vara svår att få den rätta landningssidan att få bra rankning i det relevanta landets sökningar.
  • Var uppmärksam gällande automatiska funktioner för sökoptimering i din CMS – det sista du vill är att din översättning på din landssida för en specifik marknad har en ”default” titeltagg och metabeskrivningar på varje sida på t.e.x engelska istället för på svenska.

Ett annat globalt varumärke som använder sig av d.en här domänstrategin är Spotify. Är du i Sverige och skriver in www.spotify.com eller www.spotify.se så blir du omdirigerad och kommer till samma sida: www.spotify.com/se/.

Spotify hemsida domänstrategi bild


Subdomäner adderar landets innehåll (content) till början av domänen (se.namn.com). En del CMS-verktyg eller s.k. ”proxies” andvänder ”default” för detta så det är en populär teknik för många internationella hemsidor. Detta gäller endast när huvudsaklig hemsida är en .com-domän.

Fördelar med subdomäner:

  • Ganska enkla att administrera

Nackdelar med subdomäner:

  • Användare kan föredra att använda en lokal hemsida
  • Inte lika stark domänauktoritet

Ett exempel är WordPress (sv/wordpress.com).

WordPress hemsida domänstrategi bild

Oavsett vilken domänstrategi du har kan vi hjälpa dig vidare med sökoptimering. Kontakta oss så kan vi diskutera lokal marknadsföring, sociala medier, digital annonsering och mycket mer! WSI har även experter inom varje område samt lokala konsulter i över 80 länder. 


For SEO Services and Digital Marketing & Sales in Sweden, please contact WSI WebAnalys.
Local, National, Global, and E-Commerce Search Optimization & Lead Generation.
WSI Sweden. | Site | Search | Social | Mobile | Marketing Automation |



National Payroll Processing Company Retains WSI for Digital Marketing Services

Madelene - 2016-07-23


The Payroll Company (TPC) is a Payroll Processing and Human Resource Outsourcing company located in Middleton, WI.  Founded in 1999, TPC serves thousands of clients and their employees across the U.S. 

TPC has been a long time client of WSI starting with a website rebuild in 2014. Recently, WSI was hired to rebuild the TPC website to make it more modern, responsive, and to showcase the primary products and services offered by TPC.  In addition, we continue to implement an SEO-Content Marketing plan for the company in order to increase the firm’s visibility on the search engines and social media.

TPC Payroll Processing Service

As part of the digital marketing plan, we are optimizing several pages of the website for the relevant and highly searched keywords by their targeted prospects. These keyword phrases align with the company’s primary services, including:

With the SEO optimized pages now up on the site the off-page optimization is beginning.  Initial off-page strategy includes citation building for the company as well as an intensive blogging effort. These high quality blogs will be syndicated to WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger. Each month the SEO implementation will be monitored and carefully tracked.  Key metrics that will be measured include links, keyword rankings, organic visits and leads from organic visitors.

About WSI

WSI is one of the world’s largest digital marketing agencies and a leader in Internet marketing, local SEO, national SEO, Paid Search and Social Media Marketing. With over 1,100 offices in 82 countries around the globe, WSI has helped thousands of companies develop and execute comprehensive digital marketing strategies. Contact WSI today to discuss your goals, or to do an analysis of your current marketing activities.

This post originally appeared at http://www.wsippcseo.com/national-payroll-processing-company-retains-wsi-for-digital-marketing-services/

WSI Further Expands Relationship with Senior Living Chain

Madelene - 2016-06-21


WSI Digital Marketing has recently launched SEO efforts for a 5th location of MorningStar Senior Living, a network of over 20 senior living communities located in the Western US. 

The implementation for MorningStar’s Phoenix location has now been completed and resulted in 15 new 1st page rankings, and over 350 lead forms and calls from organic visitors.   

The 2nd location, MorningStar Senior Living of Sparks, continues in the off page optimization phase and after only three months has seen a tremendous increase in first page rankings and an uptick in visits and leads as well. Further expansion to two additional locations in April and May including MorningStar at Arrowhead and MorningStar at Bear Creek are also beginning to showing progress.

Happy with the success so far, MorningStar has again expanded the program to include another Phoenix area location: MorningStar Assisted Living & Memory Care of Fountain Hills, their newest community in the Valley of the Sun scheduled to open in the fall of 2016.

For the on-page optimization, we focused on 5 pages on the main MorningStar site.  Since each community offers a different mix of services and focused geographic areas, the keywords mapped to the pages differ across communities.  You can see the pages optimized for the Fountain Hills community here.

Assisted Living Scottsdale

Senior Living Scottsdale

Assisted Living Fountain Hills AZ

Senior Living Communities Scottsdale

Memory Care Scottsdale

With the SEO optimized pages now up on the site the off page optimization is beginning.  Initial off page strategy includes citation building for the community as well as an intensive blogging effort. These high quality blogs will be syndicated to WordPress, Weebly, Blogger and Tumblr. Each month of the SEO implementation will be monitored and carefully tracked along with the other communities.  Key metrics that will be measured include links, rankings, organic visits and leads from organic visitors.

This post originally appeared at:  http://www.wsiexpertinternetmarketing.com/our-blog/wsi-further-expands-relationship-with-senior-living-chain

WSI Sweden – WSI WebAnalys, contact Madelene Wadelius.
Digital Marketing Consultant


Spice Shop Teams up with WSI to provide new Website and SEO

Madelene - 2016-06-17

SpiceTopia has been a  fixture in Ventura, CA for many years.  Selling spices, teas and specialty items for chefs and adventurous amateur cooks.  When the new owners purchased the business in 2011, they inherited a website that needed to be completely reworked.  It was difficult to search for products and had a broken e-commerce functionality.  SpiceTopia brought on WSI Ventura to provide a completely new website that had clear navigation, simple product search and an elegant ordering process.

Spice Shop

The SEO implementation is going to focus on their three key products:  Spices, Tea and Gift Baskets.  After comprehensive keyword research, specific keywords were selected and mapped in to both existing and new pages of the SpiceTopia website.   Then, employing advanced on-page optimization techniques,  the pages were optimized for the selected keywords and their stems.  Below are several examples of optimized pages on the SpiceTopia website:





With the on-page optimization complete, the SEO will now focus on improving the popularity of the new SEO pages through a comprehensive link building program.  This includes updates to their Instagram and Google+ pages. 

Each month of the SEO implementation will be monitored and carefully tracked.  Key metrics that will be measured each month include links, rankings, organic visits and leads from organic visitors.

This post originally appeared here:  http://www.wsiventura.com/2016/05/spice-shop-teams-wsi-provide-new-website-seo/    

Allstate Steel Retains WSI to Expand Its Digital Marketing

Madelene - 2016-05-10

Allstate Steel 3      Allstate Steel 2

Allstate Steel is a steel fabricator located in Jacksonville, Florida. The company has been privately held for over 50 years. Allstate Steel specializes in structural steel fabrication, design, build, and erection. Allstate Steel provides steel fabrication services throughout the entire United States as well as Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.


WSI has implemented a Search Engine Optimization strategy for Allstate Steel. The discovery process was initiated by WSI‘s developing a Competitive Analysis report as the basis for a comprehensive marketing plan spanning SEO, social media, and email marketing strategy. Initially, we identified 10 critical keywords for their business and implemented relevant landing pages. We focused on their primary deliverables in the steel fabrication industry.


Allstate Steel is an AICS certified Steel Truss Manufacturer and Steel Plate Fabricator. They have completed hundreds of Structural Steel Constructions over the years, mainly retail construction, healthcare construction, warehouse construction, and education construction projects.


Allstate Steel 1


After several months of working with Allstate Steel, WSI created another Competitive Analysis report proving that our digital marketing strategy implementation is improving the Internet positioning for the customer. 


About WSI

WSI is one of the world’s largest digital marketing agencies and a leader in Internet marketing, local SEO, national SEO, Paid Search and Social Media Marketing. With over 1,100 offices in 82 countries around the globe, WSI has helped thousands of companies develop and execute comprehensive digital marketing strategies. Contact WSI today to discuss your goals, or to do an analysis of your current marketing activities.


This blog has originally been posted at http://www.wsiguru.com/blog/.

WSI Adds Two More Locations to MorningStar SEO Efforts

Madelene - 2016-05-09

MorningStar Assisted Living signage

WSI Digital Marketing has recently launched SEO efforts for two more locations of MorningStar Senior Living, a network of over 20 senior living communities located in the Western US. 

The first implementation for the Phoenix location continues in the off page optimization phase and all signs remain positive.  The efforts have resulted in 14 new 1st page rankings, and over 275 lead forms and calls from organic visitors

The 2nd location, MorningStar Senior Living of Sparks, after only two months has seen a tremendous increase in first page rankings and an uptick in visits and leads as well.

After the success of the first two initial locations, MorningStar has expanded the program to include two additional locations:  MorningStar at Arrowhead, which is located in Glendale Arizona, and MorningStar at Bear Creek which is located in Colorado Springs. These locations will use the same success formula as the others, including both on-page optimization and off-page optimization.

For the on-page optimization, we have focused on 5 pages for each community on the main MorningStar site.  Since each community offers a different mix of services, the keywords mapped to the pages differ across communities.  You can see the pages optimized for these two communities here:

Memory Care Colorado Springs

Assisted Living Memory Care

Dementia Care Colorado Springs

Alzheimer Care

Assisted Living Dementia Care

Assisted Living Phoenix AZ

Assisted Living Sun City AZ

Assisted Living Glendale AZ

Senior Living Glendale AZ

Memory Care Sun City AZ

MorningStar Assisted Living logo

The off page optimization is now beginning for both of these communities.  In addition to registering the communities in various business directories, we will be expanding their presence on line through customer reviews, as well as a concerted blogging effort. These high quality blogs will be syndicated to TumblrWordPress, Weebly and Blogger and in concert should propel both of these new communities up in the rankings, just as it has for the first two.

This post originally appeared here:  http://www.wsiexpertinternetmarketing.com/our-blog/wsi-adds-two-more-locations-to-morningstar-seo-efforts

WSI Expands ProCoat Systems Marketing Presence With Website Expansion and Multiple Local Search Campaigns

Madelene - 2016-04-29

ProCoat Systems Premium Building Products

Building materials supplier ProCoat Systems has been a leading Colorado-area building materials supplier for more than 30 years.  With the sale of the company in 2015 to Beacon Roofing Supply (Nasdaq: BECN), ProCoat Systems is on a new trajectory to expand its territory to other markets – enter WSI’s experienced web presence rebuilders and digital marketing experts to provide a responsive web design that encompasses all of ProCoat’s locations and provides the platform for enhanced local SEO in each market.

The first store in its expansion plan is the newly opened Salt Lake City branch. ProCoat Systems is well known for providing quality building envelop products, including:

  • Air Barriers & Sealants
    Air, water, and vapor barriers, flashing, and supportive materials, as well as a variety of sealants and caulking.
  • Stucco & EIFS
    Stucco and EIFS insulation and waterproof solutions are popular materials in Colorado and Utah climates.
  • Cultured and Natural Stone Veneers
    Both natural and manufactured stone veneer in a variety of styles from industry leaders like Realstone Systems and Coronado.
  • Paint & Protective Coatings
    Procoat offers paints, stains, sealers, protective coatings, water repellants, and interior textured wall finishes.
  • Concrete Restoration
    Products for the maintenance, repair and restoration of concrete including concrete cleaners, coatings, protectants, and strengtheners.
  • Waterproofing Products
    Waterproofing, water management, and drainage solutions for the protection of foundation walls, plaza and parking decks, balcony decks, and planters.

Expanding ProCoat System’s Digital Footprint

To accommodate ProCoat’s growth trajectory, WSI was retained to build a responsive website that separated locations with individual landing pages that could utilize geographic-specific information and content to not only benefit local search, but also help local customers identify with their own stores.

To begin optimizing the new location pages, WSI recommended primary keywords based on not only on relevance to each branches’ product offerings, but also search volume in each respective market. Supplemental secondary keywords in the same semantic categories ensure that searches for multiple products produce strong local results. The site was further optimized with keyword rich URLs and SEO-friendly page copy.

To further build quality traffic to the new site, WSI also implemented a social media and blogging campaign through a variety of platforms including WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, and Weebly. The combined efforts of WSI’s proven SEO strategies have lead to a substantial increase in page 1 search rankings, a boost in Google organic traffic to the site (and across search engines overall), as well as improved geolocation via Google Places.

The Internet marketing program initiated by WSI will continue to expand as the company expands its locations, creating a model for early online traction for new branches and ProCoat sales people.

Need to build your web presence? WSI can help. Contact us to learn more about our broad array of customizable digital marketing solutions today.

This blog first appeared at http://www.wsiwebwisemarketing.com/wsi-expands-procoat-systems-marketing-presence-website-expansion-multiple-local-search-campaigns

Glentworth Security Ltd Retain WSI For Local SEO & Paid Search

Madelene - 2016-04-25

Glentworth Security Ltd has continued to use WSI for their local SEO and paid search services after coming to us in November 2014 for a new website to increase leads and enquiries for their security business. Glentworth Security Ltd provide high quality security personnel, on demand for all your business security needs covering South Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire.

Glentworth Security


Glentworth Security Ltd offer a wide range of security services for businesses.  All of their officers are great people trained to the current regulatory standards, security industry authority licensed and paid over the national minimum wage. They provide the following services as well as bespoke security services to suit your business security needs:

Construction Site Security
Static Security Guard
Mobile Security Patrols
Night Porter and Concierge Security
Alarm Response Service
Vacant Property Inspection Services
Security Industry Training

WSI was hired to create a new responsive website and implement and search marketing campaign.  This involved creating numerous optimised service pages (and geotargeted service pages) along with building links via blogging and local directories.  We also implemented a geotargeted paid search campaign. As part of our ongoing work WSI is also providing Content Management services to the firm consisting of high quality, relevant blog posts and articles which will be posted on blogging platforms like WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger.

Previously Glentworth were not ranking for any local search terms apart from the town where they are based despite providing a wide range of services in their county. They are now ranking on page 1 in Google for 17 out of their 25 keywords with 16 of those being in the top 5. WSI will continue to provide monthly reports to which we review so that we can continue to offer strategic advice in order to boost local rankings and page dominance for their services.

WSI is one of the largest digital marketing agencies in the world, with over 1,000 offices in 81 countries.  Born in 1995, at the birth of the Internet, we have always been, and always will be, an entirely digital marketing agency.  We understand that no two businesses are the same, so we take the time to understand our client’s organization and build campaigns that help achieve their goals.

Originally posted on: http://blog.wsidmg.com.au/glentworth-security-ltd-retain-wsi-for-local-seo-paid-search

WSI Sweden, contact WSI WebAnalysinfo@wsiwebanalys.se.

Mauger Estates Bed and Breakfast in Albuquerque hired WSI

Madelene - 2016-04-15

Dogfriendly bed and breakfast

The Mauger Estate Bed and Breakfast in Albuquerque is an historic, 1897 Queen Anne style building, with high ceilings and beautiful woodwork to offer you an old-world experience. They provide superior hospitality and delectable menus to ensure that their B&B is the best place to stay in Albuquerque.

B&B is in downtown Albuquerque. It’s a great alternative for all business travelers who are looking for an alternative to traditional hotels. The Mauger Estate B&B is within walking distance to many great restaurants and the convention center. Visitors can stroll through Albuquerque downtown neighborhood or visit Old Town.

WSI has completed on-page optimization for the web site and it already ranks on the first page on Google for the most important keywords. To further improve rankings we will start an off-page strategy that will include customer reviews, extensive blog posting, and social media citation building. We have created blog accounts at BloggerTumblrBlogWeebly and WordPress. Postings will also be done on the Local Google+ pages. Also citation building with high quality directories and social media will be part of the plan.

WSI will be analyzing the progress made on the key performance indicators of the implementation.  Monthly reporting will be conducted with the business owner keep her informed of the progress we are making.

WSI has over 1,000 offices in 81 countries around the world. WSI provides digital marketing services on a scale that local providers cannot match with 20 years of experience. 

This article was originally posted by  WSI Webenhancers in Albuquerque, NM

Texas Security & Surveillance engages WSI for a comprehensive Digital Marketing Solution

Madelene - 2016-03-30

Texas Security and Surveillance

Texas Security & Surveillance (TSS), an Austin security system company, has retained WSI to improve their online presence through Search Engine Optimization, reputation management and social media.

The discovery process began with a Competitive Analysis to learn how well TSS is positioned online against 4 of its competitors.  The analysis provided deep insight on their site, organic & paid rankings, as well as social media engagement including detailed keyword and ad copy data for themselves and their competitors.  With the data from the competitive analysis report and additional keyword research, WSI launched a local SEO campaign targeting keywords such as:

Since the new SEO optimized pages were added to the site a little over a month ago, TSS has already seen an increase in visibility for many competitive keywords for which they did not rank previously.  This has brought in a number of online inquiries for both home alarm systems and commercial security solutions. 

Over the next several months, off-page optimization and link building will be conducted along with blog syndication to Tumblr, WordPress, Weebly and Blogger.  In addition, WSI is actively managing social channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

WSI anticipates continued success through our SEO and social media efforts.  The campaign will be monitored closely and reviewed monthly so WSI can continue to provide TSS with World-class digital marketing strategy and support. 


About WSI

WSI is one of the world’s largest digital marketing agencies and a leader in internet marketing, local SEO, national SEO, Paid Search and Social Media Marketing. With over 1,100 offices in 82 countries around the globe, WSI has helped thousands of companies develop and execute comprehensive digital marketing strategies. Contact WSI today to discuss your goals, or to do an analysis of your current marketing activities.

This post originally appeared on the WSI blog: http://www.wsidigitalatlas.com/texas-security-surveillance-engages-wsi-comprehensive-digital-marketing-solution/



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