Webinar: How Playing The Comparison Game Can Gain You A Competitive Advantage

Madelene - 2015-02-21

Our next WSI Power Hour Webinar on Tuesday, February 24, 2015

In this webinar we will take a step back from digital marketing sphere and focus on your specific niche. Essentially, we will find out what your competitors might be doing, and how you can use that information to build a competitive advantage over them. You will learn what tactics work in your niche and how you can stay ahead of the competition by doing just a bit more than your competitors.

Time: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM CET   –    Swedish time: kl.17.00 – 18.00

Register here for the webinar


The start of a new year means we’re kickin’ off our new, 5-part Digital Power Hour Series! So, over the course of the next 10 months, we’ll be sharing our digital expertise on increasing brand promotion, enhancing customer engagement, expanding your ROI and online conversions and so much more. And in session #1, our focus is on competing to WIN… 

Yes, we know the digital area can be complicated, intimidating and exciting all at the same time. But one of the key tips we give our clients – be they digital rookies or skilled veterans – is to AWAYS keep an eye on how you stack up against your competition! 

Playing the comparison game within your industry will shed a bright light onto the picture you’re painting for your customer base and you’ll get a clear view into your competitive advantage…OR lack thereof! Regardless of the situation, it’s always better to be in-the-know. 

Common Challenges

In this upcoming webinar, we’ll be talking about some of the common challenges we’ve observed amongst businesses of all kinds, like: 

Having a company website that performs well, but having no idea how well it sizes up against your competitor’s site

• Watching your competitors dominate the search results and not knowing where or how to begin boosting your own performance

• Wanting to sharpen your competitive edge with content marketing, but forming a strategic plan is just too huge an undertaking

Register here for the webinar



Madelene - 2014-12-16

Our partner, Topi, is presenting a webinar on the Event Management Platform Solution tomorrow, Wednesday at 12.30 PM.

Topi launches its turn-key event management platform providing event organizers with key components: registration, event website, and mobile app. With one single solution, event organizers control the event life-cycle, its messaging, promotion, and offer attendees engagement before, during and after the event.

Please follow the link to register for the webinar.



Want to learn more about Topi?

Visit the website:  www.topi.com 

You can also contact us – WSI Sweden – info@wsiwebanalys.se

Event Management Solution


Nobody’s a stranger

Keeping in touch with people you know is easier than ever, but connecting with the ones you don’t know yet is still left up to chance—or worse, nametags.

Our mission is to give serendipity a hand, and connect everyone at any event.



Nästa webinar: 15 Ways to Adapt to the Digital Landscape of 2015

Madelene - 2014-11-09

WSI har ett flertal webinars (gratis online föreläsningar) under året 2014 som kallas ”WSI Digital Power Hour”.

På vårt nästa webinar så kommer en av WSI:s konsulter och digitala marknadsföringsexperter Husam Jandal att lotsa dig igenom 15 sätt du och ditt team kan anpassa er till den digitala revolutionen, kapitalisera alla möjligheter, samt få kontakt med dina kunder som aldrig förr. Under kommande webinar så får du med dig ”15 sätt att anpassa dig till det digitala landskapet under 2015.”

Tisdag 25 November, 2014, kl. 17.00 – 18.00 svensk tid (CET).

Tuesday, November 25, 2014  at 11AM EST.

Du anmäler dig via denna länk:

Missa inte detta tillfälle att lyssna på Husam Jandal, en av WSI:s internationella talare och experter inom digital marknadsföring.

Husam_Jandal_WSI        Chief Digital Marketing Officer, Published Author,
       International Speaker & Trainer,
       Professor of E-Commerce & E-Business.


OBS – Detta webinar är på engelska: 15 Ways to Adapt to the Digital Landscape of 2015.

Det finns en sanning som vi lever efter i den här branschen och det är att DEN DIGITALA MILJÖN ÄR I KONSTANT FÖRÄNDRING OCH UTVECKLING. Precis som företagen försöker att utveckla sig för att anpassa sig till deras kunders behov, så är den digitala arenan där din kundkrets finns också under ständig utveckling. Och det går snabbt!

Ta mobila hjälpmedel som exempel. Varje år ser vi att försäljningen för datorer (laptop och stationära) sjunker, medan försäljningen för surfplattor fortsätter att öka. (källa:statista). Och med den kommande lanseringen av Apple Watch så ökar de gränslösa möjligheterna att engagera kunder som ständigt är uppkopplade och på språng.

Så den kalla hårda sanningen är att om du inte anpassar dig till den digitala världen och i samma snabbhet som dina kunder – så kan du lika gärna arbeta i den ”förhistoriska världen” där du köpte en annonsplats i den lokala nyhetstidningen medan du mer eller mindre höll tummarna för att någon (vem som helst!) skulle svara på din annons.

Häng med i utvecklingen – varmt välkommen till detta spännande och intressanta webinar!    

WSI         Vill du veta mer om våra föreläsningar, utbildningar
och e-kurser i Sverige?
      Mejla info@wsiwebanalys.se för mer information.




WSI DIGITAL POWER HOUR – 5 Ways Display, Facebook Ads & Remarketing Will Open New Revenue Streams!

Madelene - 2014-10-16

Next WSI online webinar October 23

Nowadays, everyone has a digital footprint. What you search for, where you travel, your preferred websites and the social channels you use are all traceable. On one hand, this seems frighteningly similar to an Orwellian existence, but on the other (less creepy) hand, this offers up AMAZING opportunities for businesses just like yours. (There’s always a silver lining, right?) 

Obviously, we’re not in favor of turning marketers into Big Brother. We are, however, a fan of gaining invaluable insights into consumers’ online behavior. Tracking how your target audience has already interacted with your brand enables you to recapture their attention at precisely the right time. 

Consumers might call it a case of déjà vu, but it’s what we digital marketers call remarketing. 

A great remarketing strategy coupled with display advertising practices, gives your team the opportunity to create timely touch points with an audience who’s already shown interest in your product/service. This kind of contextualized advertising can accomplish the one thing we all aim for: customer conversions! 

Join us this month as Benoit Gaillard – a leading WSI Consultant based in Switzerland – explores the why, when, and how of incorporating display and remarketing practices into your digital marketing strategy.

When? Thursdag Oct 23
Where? Online Webinar, 
Time? Swedish time: Kl.17.00 – 18.00
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM CEST
Sign up here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9147802964064065025?source=WsiOnline4729

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