Executive Employment Lawyer Renews SEO and Email Marketing Program with WSI

Madelene - 2019-02-18

In December 2016, Attorney Robert Adelson engaged WSI to make his website mobile-friendly, improve his website’s ranking on Google organic listings for relevant keywords and manage his monthly email newsletter campaigns. Most importantly, his goal is to generate leads for his executive employment practice from these digital marketing efforts. Two years later, he is very satisfied with the results and has again renewed his SEO and email marketing contract with us.

Boston Executive Employment Lawyer

Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Attorney Adelson has been a corporate, tax and employment attorney since 1977. He has counseled and represented CEOs, Chief Operating Officers, Chief Scientific Officers, Chief Marketing Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Chief Financial Officers and various vice presidents, such as VP of Sales, VP of Marketing, regarding job offers, employment agreement terms, executive compensation, equity compensation, severance and termination issues. He has represented executives in Massachusetts, New York and throughout the country in diverse industries that include software, e-commerce, telecommunications, financial services, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical device, food, retail and consumer products, and industrial supplies.

Publications on Executive Employment Issues

A frequent writer and presenter, Attorney Adelson publishes articles on CEO World magazine, CEO Refresher, IEEE Reflector and other publications. With more than 12.4+ million page views, CEOWORLD magazine is the world’s leading business magazine written for CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, senior management executives, business leaders, and high net worth individuals worldwide. Robert Adelson’s articles include topics such as

Attorney Adelson’s work as an executive employment lawyer has been recognized in the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald and other publications.

Attorney Adelson is active in Boston’s thriving startup community. He has been awarded by IEEE for his exemplary service as Chairman of the Boston Entrepreneurs’ Network. He has also been named among the “Top 20 Boston Startup Lawyers” by ChubbyBrain.com, a website that provides tools for entrepreneurs.

Digital Marketing for Executive Employment Lawyer

A comprehensive content marketing and SEO program was implemented for Attorney Adelson in December 2016. Since then, Attorney Adelson has been publishing monthly articles and a newsletter. The articles are published on CEOWorld magazine or other magazines and on LinkedIn.  In addition, monthly blog posts are written and syndicated to blogs established on the popular blogging platforms WordPress, Blogger, Medium, Wix and Weebly, thereby building links to the website as well as enhance his online presence. Monthly newsletters also include links to help drive traffic to the website.

During the past two years since we implemented the digital marketing solution, Attorney Adelson has been receiving highly qualified leads. He is very pleased with the results and has committed to continuing the program.  We are confident that our ongoing efforts in digital marketing will continue to deliver exceptional results for our client.

About The WSI Touch in Greater Boston, Massachusetts

Since 2009, The WSI Touch has helped small and medium-sized businesses in Greater Boston to increase their leads and sales. The company works closely with its clients to explore their needs, goals and target markets in order to suggest the best online solution to generate measurable results.

With offices in over 80 countries and each of them well equipped to bring their knowledge of global digital marketing trends to your business to achieve the best local results, you can trust WSI has the expertise, advanced insight and power to succeed.

This post originally appeared on https://thewsitouch.com/blog/executive-employment-lawyer-renews-seo-an

For SEO Services and Digital Marketing & Sales in Sweden, please contact WSI WebAnalys.
Local, National, Global, and E-Commerce Search Optimization & Lead Generation.
WSI Sweden. | Site | Search | Social | Mobile | Marketing Automation |

Lighting Maintenance Services Company selects WSI for New Website and SEO

Madelene - 2017-12-04

Lighting Maintenance Service

PKK Lighting Inc., a Madison, WI lighting maintenance services company, has engaged WSI to help the company improve its’ online presence, its’ search engine results and grow the number of new leads and new customers via a new website and a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) initiative. 

PKK Lighting has been installing and maintaining commercial lighting systems at businesses and organizations in Wisconsin and the upper Midwest since 1970.  PKK also sells light bulbs to companies and collects materials to be recycled, like light bulbs, TV’s, computers, and other electronics in order to keep them out of our local landfills.

In June, 2017 WSI was engaged to begin the new website and the SEO project.  The mobile responsive website, https://www.pkklighting.com, built on the WordPress platform, was launched on November 1, 2017.  The website includes a blog to allow PKK Lighting to keep current and prospective customers up-to-date about trends in the rapidly changing industry.  PKK will share those blog posts on 3 public blogging sites, WordPress.com, Tumblr.com, and Blogspot.com.

For the SEO project, WSI started with keyword research to identify potential keywords with sufficient search activity and that are important to the company.  From there, WSI and PKK Lighting selected the 10 keywords we felt would be the most successful for driving organic visitors to the website.

For each of the 10 keywords we added or optimized a page on the new website.  Each of the 10 optimized pages is designed to rank for the selected keywords.  The following pages and primary keywords are covered in this phase of the implementation:

  1. LED Lighting Installation Companies – https://www.pkklighting.com/lighting-services/led-lighting-installation-companies
  2. LED Commercial Light Fixtures – https://www.pkklighting.com/lighting-services/led-commercial-light-fixtures
  3. LED Parking Lot Pole Lights – https://www.pkklighting.com/lighting-services/led-parking-lot-pole-lights
  4. Parking Lot Pole Light Maintenance – https://www.pkklighting.com/lighting-services/led-parking-lot-pole-lights/parking-lot-pole-light-maintenance/
  5. LED Commercial Outdoor Lighting – https://www.pkklighting.com/lighting-services/led-commercial-outdoor-lighting
  6. LED Street Light Fixtures – https://www.pkklighting.com/lighting-services/led-street-light-fixtures
  7. LED Emergency Exit Lights – https://www.pkklighting.com/lighting-services/led-emergency-exit-lights
  8. Lighting Maintenance Services Company – https://www.pkklighting.com/lighting-services/lighting-maintenance-services-company
  9. Light Bulb Sales – https://www.pkklighting.com/led-bulb-sales/
  10. Light Bulb Recycling – https://www.pkklighting.com/light-bulb-recycling/

The SEO keywords have been added into the comprehensive tracking program such that we can track the results of our SEO initiative. WSI will measure the inbound links to the website, the search engine rankings for the 10 SEO keywords, organic traffic to the 10 new SEO pages, and forms submitted from organic visitors.

This post was originally published at https://www.wsippcseo.com/pkk-lighting-selects-wsi-seo-website/.

For SEO Services and Digital Marketing & Sales in Sweden, please contact WSI WebAnalys.
Local, National, Global, and E-Commerce Search Optimization & Lead Generation.
WSI Sweden. | Site | Search | Social | Mobile | Marketing Automation |

WSI - Helping Ideas Realise Their Potential

Schedule My Rent Engages WSI for SEO Services

Madelene - 2017-07-29

Schedule My Rent hired WSI for a search engine optimization campaign. Both companies are based in Albuquerque New Mexico.

Schedule My Rent is a FinTech company making it easy for landlords to collect rent online. Millions of small landlords still collect rent the old way, collecting with paper checks and keeping track of everything with a spreadsheet.

Schedule My Rent is a landlord software that:

  • Does Online rent collection from a tenant’s bank account
  • Makes is easy for the tenant to do online rent payments
  • Minimize need to collect rent by reminding tenants every time a payment is due
  • Stops the hassle of lost mail and risk of cash
  • Splits rent between roommates
  • Sends rent to your bank account
  • Keeps landlords and tenants updated every step of the way with the best dashboards in the industry

In the first phase of the SEO campaign, WSI optimized their new website for search engines and improved the conversion architecture of the site.

In the second Phase of the SEO campaign WSI will build backlinks to the website to improve it’s rankings in the search results. Blogging will be an important part of the backlink strategy and WSI has created a professional business profile for Schedule My rent in TumblrWeeblyBlogger, Medium or WordPress.

Monthly reporting will be conducted with the client to keep them informed of the progress we are making. With the help of WSI, Schedule My Rent will only continue to experience growth and top rankings.

Originally published at: http://www.wsiwebenhancers.com/schedule-rent-engages-wsi-seo/

WSI Sweden – SEO services for local, national and global businesses.


WSI Experts help DCG Software Value Increase their Online Visibility via Search Engine Optimization

Madelene - 2017-04-25

DCG Software Value is a software consulting company that helps IT departments optimize their software development processes. DCG believes that IT processes should have a quantifiable impact on the bottom line of a business.  A lot of times IT departments waste valuable resources including time and money due to processes that are not structured well and no one is keeping track of metrics that are important in eliminating waste.

Using Function Point Analysis, Software Development Metrics, Agile metrics and Software Estimation, DCG helps its clients analyze and optimize the business value of their software. They also help companies manage their outsourced software development and their vendors for decreased risk and increased value.

WSI is helping DCG improve their organic rankings on Google and other search engines. For this purpose, we completed an extensive keyword research, identifying the areas of expertise for DCG and the high volume keywords that they should be found for. The process also included consulting with DCG on the kind of keywords that would not just bring them traffic, but also potential customers.

Ten primary keywords were chosen along with their respective keyword clusters and pages on the DCG website were optimized for each keyword cluster.

Some of these pages are –






Some technical and structural improvements were also made on the website with the help of DCG’s web development team that included making the website mobile responsive and secure.

Content being a major part of any inbound strategy, we are currently publishing content on behalf of DCG on a number of platforms, including WordPress, Weebly and Slideshare.

Following this effort, the rankings for the chosen keyword are already making good progress in a short time and we expect upward trend in the keyword rankings to continue followed by increase in organic website traffic.

We are looking forward to a long term partnership with DCG Software Value in helping them reach their corporate goals.

This post originally appeared at http://www.wsipromarketers.com/wsi-experts-help-dcg-software-value-search-engine-optimization/

Social selling är slöseri med tid och resurser om säljchefer och säljare inte har en klar strategi och process

Madelene - 2015-11-27

Det finns många inlägg och artiklar om social selling som du kan hitta online. Många råd och information om ämnet, vissa bra och vissa inte så bra. Antagligen så letar du svar på två viktiga frågor, vad är det och fungerar det?

Få utdelning på din investering i social selling

Vad är social selling?

Här följer en enkel beskrivning av social selling:
Det handlar om att ditt säljteam använder sig av sociala nätverk och teknik för att identifiera nyckelprospekts, få kontakt med dem, utbilda och informera dem om ditt varumärke, produkter, tjänster och rykte innan de lyfter luren för att prata med sina leads.

Fungerar social selling?

Du förväntar dig antagligen ett ja, nej eller kanske på frågan men det rätta svaret är – det beror på. Det finns två viktiga och nödvändiga aspekter att fundera över om social selling ska bli framgångsrikt i ditt företag eller inte. Det första är din avkastning på din investering i social selling. Det måste finnas utrymme för planering, målsättning och resultat. Det andra är utbildning – både säljchefer och säljare behöver utbildning för att verkligen kunna förstå den nya köpcykeln och den nya säljprocessen. Med rätt verktyg, taktik och strategi kommer du inte att slösa din tid utan kommer att se goda resultat.

Din taktik med social selling är sammankopplad med vinst och försäljning.

Att använda sig av social selling bara för att det verkar bra eller för att statistiken visar att det är framgångsrikt räcker inte. Vad är meningen med att dela innehåll och material på Twitter, Facebook eller LinkedIn utan att ha fastställda mål? Det är ju bra att du som säljchef eller säljare anpassar dig till den digitala utvecklingen men du måste ha en plan för vad du vill åstadkomma och för resultaten som du vill uppnå. Resultat i form av antal leads, antal kontakter och vilken avkastning på din investering som du vill ha. Det kan vara bra att tänka igenom hur du kommer i kontakt med fler målgrupper och hur du sen konverterar dessa leads till nya möjligheter och försäljning. Det bör även vara tidseffektivt och kostnadseffektivt.

Glöm inte bort att sociala nätverk som LinkedIn och Twitter med flera är mycket användbara plattformar för att utveckla affärsrelationer. Det är viktigt att komma ihåg att du bör använda dessa som de affärsverktyg som de verkligen är och inte bara för personlig användning.

Skaffa inte bara en LinkedIn-profil för att kontakta alla dina existerande affärskontakter, kolleger och vänner eller för att bara lägga upp din CV online. Istället bör du använda den för att skaffa en publik som bör bestå av prospekts och framtida varumärkesadvokater och s.k. ”influencers”.

När väl detta finns på plats så behöver du en process och strategi för hur du skall knyta ihop dina initiativ, lead generering och aktiviteter tillbaka till omsättning och vinst. Om du inte kan knyta ihop dina sociala aktiviteter tillbaka till vinst, så känner du dig troligtvis inte motiverad. Inget konstigt med det, varför skulle du vilja slösa din tid med någonting som du inte kan se ger ett önskvärt resultat?

Utbildning för säljchefer och ditt säljteam

Att låta dina säljare lära sig själva kommer troligtvis inte att räcka. LinkedIn och övriga verktyg är bara en del i processen. En del företag ger någon eller några få ansvaret för sociala medier. Andra låter deras säljare och säljrepresentanter lära sig det själva. Vilken väg man än väljer så finns det oftast väldigt lite guidning eller utbildning, så många gånger får de räkna ut hur de ska göra vid val av sociala nätverk, hur de ska jobba och när de ska användas.

Säljchefer saknar utbildnng i social selling

Att gå med i, och skaffa profiler eller företagssidor på sociala medier betyder inte automatiskt att prospekts och möjligheter till nya affärer kommer att visa sig och att listan med leads plötsligt fylls. Det går oftast inte att bara ”slänga in” säljpersonalen på sociala medier och uppmuntra till att arbeta med social selling.

Säljchefer och säljledare behöver ta lite tid att undersöka och förstå hur sociala medier kan användas som användbara säljkanaler. Som ledare behöver du ha en plan och en process att använda, implementera och följa. Du behöver också ett sätt att mäta resultat och intäkter. Genom utbildning får du en bra säljprocess som lätt kan följas och kan motivera din säljpersonal att se möjligheterna och förstå varför aktiviteter på sociala nätverk är viktiga.

Säljare saknar utbildning i social selling

Social selling är en process

Att lyssna på en föreläsning, läsa artiklar på internet, eller gå en snabbkurs i social selling kan vara intressant och ge dig lite nya idéer och ge många säljare startskottet till att börja använda t.ex LinkedIn på ett bättre sätt eller mer frekvent. Däremot har det visat sig att det inte kommer att ge önskat resultat utan planering och utan att ha ett sätt att mäta resultaten. Många säljare har sett och läst om de framgångsrika företagen som använder sig av social selling men vet inte hur de går vidare eller omsätter detta praktiskt i deras dagliga arbete. Det kan vara ett stort misstag att ”hoppa över” nödvändig utbildning och det kan visa sig genom att önskvärt resultat uteblir.

Social selling är ett system där man använder sig av produkter, verktyg, processer och s.k. ”frameworks” och du behöver veta hur du ska använda dig av detta på ett effektivt sätt. Som tidigare nämnts, chefer kan inte förvänta sig att deras säljteam eller säljavdelning kan eller bör göra detta själva utan handledning eller uppställda mål. Genom att använda rätt verktyg och på rätt sätt kan man avsätta så lite som 30 min – 60 min per dag med aktiviteter på sociala nätverk.

Learn Social Selling from WSI Industry Leaders

Social selling kommer att vara slöseri med tid om det inte planeras på bästa sätt. Oavsett om du är försäljningschef, försäljningsansvarig eller säljare så är det viktigt att ha utformat en plan som knyter samman aktiviteter tillbaka till vinst, försäljning och avkastning på din investering. Utbilda dig och ditt säljteam i de verktyg och den teknik som du behöver för att bli framgångsrik i social selling.

Vill du veta mer om social selling?
Kontakta oss för mer information.
Vi erbjuder öppna utbildningar eller företagsanpassade. Även coachning och Executive-utbildning för chefer. Du kan också anmäla dig till en föreläsning på temat Social Selling B2B. Våra konsulter är certifierade i social selling.

WSISocialSellingWorkbook     Madelene Wadelius, Social Selling Certified

Den här artikeln publicerades tidigare på LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/social-selling-%C3%A4r-sl%C3%B6seri-med-tid-och-resurser-om-s%C3%A4ljare-wadelius?published=u

WSI Expands Tentickle Tents’ International Presence

Madelene - 2015-09-24

Tentickle Tent

Tentickle, the South African based stretch tent manufacturer has asked WSI in Cape Town, South Africa, to further expand their international marketing campaign into Germany.

In the eventing industry, Tentickle is well-known around the globe as one of the most forward thinking stretch tent companies in the world. At WSI we are proud of the fact that Tentickle have chosen WSI as their digital marketing partner for 7 consecutive years and it’s a great example of the kind of client/consultant relationship we enjoy building and delivering on. Since October 2008, WSI has worked closely with Tentickle to increase visitors, conversion rates and to target a growing number of international markets. The services provided include both local and international Search Engine Optimisation campaigns, Paid Search marketing, Email marketing and Social media. More recently we have started to leverage WSI’s global network, working with WSI’s top French consultants, to assist with onsite Optimisation and translation into French. There’s no doubt that WSI’s network gives us the capacity to assist global clients on a scale that few local agencies would be able to match.

Who is Tentickle Tents?

Tentickle Tents is a global market leader in the supply of Bedouin inspired stretch tents and stretch fabric canopies to the African, European, Australian and US eventing industry. They have supplied private party tents, stunning wedding tents, corporate event tents and mega-stage tents to some of the biggest functions on the global events calendar. Society weddings, international sports events, global music festivals, high-end fashion shows and multicultural outdoor festivals – you name it, Tentickle has the right tent for the event.

What Makes Tentickle’s Tents Different?

Tentickle’s stretch tents offer an event tent solution that is nothing short of spectacular. Combine smooth sexy curves with even more stunning fabrics. Add their renowned stretch decor and bring it all to life with expertly positioned lighting and you’ll have a recipe that’s going to time and again leave your guests gasping with delight. The fact that their tents are amongst the most versatile, easy to pitch, and pitchable on any gradient, simply adds to an already award winning eventing solution. And yes, here’s one more pitch… Tentickle’s tent fabric is robust, weatherproof and IFR (International Fire Regulations) compliant – a first for the industry when released.

Tentickle Tents

The Way Forward

WSI looks forward to further expanding Tentickle’s international target market with the implementation of additional country specific sub-sites. At the same time, the off-site effort will focus on the syndication of a variety of content, including blogs, directory listings, and social media posts all designed to build links and social signals around the above keywords.  The blogs will be syndicated to Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger and Google+.  As this effort unfolds, Tentickle expects to see their brand at the top of the results for all keywords.

To ensure that these strategies bear fruit WSI analyzes key performance indicators and prepares regular transparent marketing reports. These not only keep Tentickle Stretch Tents informed about monthly activities but also help us to ensure our clients get the required Return on Investment from their marketing. It’s a tough, competitive industry online and our WSI Cape Town based Digital Marketing team are proud of the results achieved thus far.


This blog was originally posted on: http://blog.wsiwebmarketing.co.za/wsi-expands-tentickle-tents-international-presence/

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