Digital Marketing Is On The Rise. | Digital marknadsföring och affärsutveckling

Digital Marketing Is On The Rise

High Rise Security Systems, has provided security systems and fire detection systems for commercial properties since 2004. As well as installing fire alarms for new construction, they also provide monitoring services, fire alarm inspections and integrated systems.



HRSS, like many small businesses, tried to improve their online presence on their own. After many failed attempts, it became clear they needed the professional help that can only be provided by a WSI agency.

In dire need of a conversion driven site, better visibility in SERP, and desperate need for marketing automation to manage their current data base, HRSS sought our help.

After several strategy meetings between their sales department and our marketing team we developed an SEO and inbound strategy that will affect their fire alarm business to grow that area’s SERP presence and manage leads.

With extensive keyword research, we gave them a full site redesign focused on targeting their very specific, and small pool, of buyer personas. Careful content procurement was important as this is a very technical vertical. We added quality content, again focused on the target audience.

We’ve implemented a link building plan as well as heavily implemented citations for both aggregates and niche directories to increase page authority and brand recognition.

If you would like to learn more about High Rise Security Systems please follow read more content on Blogger, Tumblr, WordPress and Weebly.

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