La Red Floral, an alternative healthcare company, relies on WSI for SEO

La Red Floral, an alternative healthcare company, relies on WSI for SEO

Madelene - 2015-09-08

La Red Floral image

La Red Floral is an organization that promotes health, personal development and life quality through training, therapies, and products related to alternative therapies, such as therapy of past lives, floral therapy or Bach flower therapy,  Ho’oponopono, emotional reading of the body and therapy for bipolar disorder.


SEO Strategy and Optimization

WSI was hired by La Red Floral to develop a SEO strategy. The first phase of on-page optimization has been completed. It consisted in optimizing 5 web pages and make some adjustments to the site in order to make it able to be positioned. These 5 pages are focused on 5 main services offered by La Red Floral:

Production of Social Signals

Also WSI is running the off-page optimization phase in order to increase the popularity of La Red Floral, which also includes the creation of profiles in business directories, customer reviews, external blogs (like Google+, WordPress, Tumblr, Weebly y gHost) and producing signals in social networks.

La Red Floral goal is to organize training, entertaining and educational activities about disciplines and holistic technics for health and well-being. La red Floral also aims for the creation of healthcare spaces and personal development. They also promote their services through related publications about knowledge and tools for health and well-being. Finally, they investigate, design, develop and promote related products.

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