AustinHomesForSale.com engages WSI to increase web visibility

Madelene - 2015-10-27

Austin Homes

AustinHomesForSale.com has developed a new and innovative way to search Austin real estate listings. The team is based out of the Realty Austin office in Avery ranch and specializes in buyer and seller transactions for existing family homes, new construction, investment and commercial properties in Austin and the surrounding neighborhoods. 

In July 2015, WSI was retained by the team to improve their internet presence.  The site has been built on a state-of-the-art platform, but needed a way to be found for those looking to move to:

Austin Texas has a booming housing industry and therefore a very competitive environment online for real estate agencies.  WSI has formulated a marketing strategy that consists of fundamental on-page SEO by structuring the site so it is findable by search engines as well as populating it with relevant content targeted at specific keywords.  In addition, WSI will create content to post on their blog as well as offsite blogs such as WordPressTumblr, Blogger, and Google+.

Furthermore a Pay-per-click campaign has launched including remarketing visitors back to the site.  The combination of SEO and PPC has already started to increase the agency’s visibility and brought in many new leads. 

WSI and AustinHomesForSale.com are looking forward to driving even more business to this great real estate search platform.

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WSI is one of the world’s largest digital marketing agencies and a leader in internet marketing, local SEO, national SEO, Paid Search and Social Media Marketing.   With over 1,100 offices in 82 countries around the globe, WSI has helped thousands of companies develop and execute comprehensive digital marketing strategies. Contact WSI today to discuss your goals, or do an analysis of your current marketing activities.

This post originally appeared on the WSI blog:  http://www.wsidigitalatlas.com/austinhomesforsale-com-engages-wsi-to-increase-web-visibility/


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