5 Key Components for Building Better Brand Authority

Madelene - 2015-03-26

Reputation is power and it’s extremely important that businesses know how to influence and project a credible brand image online. We have 5 invaluable strategies that’ll help any team build positive brand authority and crediblity for their business.

Check out our short video with the 5 key components relating to brand authority. Examples of a digital marketing strategy that you will see more of in the future is video marketing – online video with personality – or what we call personalised marketing. You are using personalised driven data to build your brand authority and awareness.

And, yes, content is still king! Content marketing is essential and if you are using a lot of different content in different social media channels and websites, then don’t forget to develop a content marketing plan.


5 Key Components for Building Better Brand Authority from WSI World on Vimeo.

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