AED One-Stop Shop in Albuquerque hired WSI to improve their Internet Presence

Madelene - 2015-10-02


AED One-Stop Shop hand selects AED defibrillator products and services for their clients. AED One-Stop Shop utilizes vast experience and industry knowledge to assess the clients situation and specific needs. Some customers are concerned with product technology and ease of use. Others value training and support, while some focus on mitigating risks and compliance with laws. You can buy AEDs here.

WSI has completed on-page optimization for the web site.  The off-page strategy will include customer reviews, extensive blog posting, and citation building.  Reviews will be managed and syndicated by a verified third party review site and blog accounts created at Blogger, Tumblr, Ghost.io, Weebly and WordPress.  Posting will also be done on the Local Google+ pages.  Also citation building with high quality directories and social media will be part of the plan. 

WSI will provide monthly reporting to show progress and highlight the key performance indicators, KPIs.

WSI has over 1,000 offices in 81 countries around the world. WSI provides digital marketing services on a scale that local providers cannot match with 20 years of experience. 

This blog originally appeared on http://wsiwebenhancers.com/aed-one-stop-shop-albuquerque-hired-wsi-improve-internet-presence/

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