Leander CPA firm retains WSI to promote 401K Plan Auditing services

Madelene - 2015-07-06

Larry J Phillips III, CPA is a full-service tax, accounting and business consulting firm in Leander, TX.  As a member of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA’s) Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center, the experienced professionals at Larry J Phillips III, CPA help 401K benefit plan administrators through the ERISA audit process and instill confidence that the employee benefit plan conforms to the regulatory requirements of the Department of Labor and the IRS.

Larry-J-Phillips-III-CPA (1)

Federal law mandates companies that offer 401K Employee Benefit Plans and have more than 100 participants have an independent auditor perform an annual audit of their benefit plans.  Not all CPA firms conduct these audits so WSI was retained in June 2015 to promote this firm’s Employee Benefit Plan Audit services.

By creating new SEO-optimized pages and through ongoing off-page optimization, plan administrators will find a CPA auditor they can trust who understands all of the 401K audit requirements.  Furthermore, they will discover the broad range of services this firm provides for business owners, executives and independent professionals.

In addition to promoting this line of business, WSI will be consulting on the firm’s overall Digital Marketing strategy.  This includes analyzing the progress made by other marketing vendors associated with the firm and providing monthly reports and recommendations on how to improve the firm’s online presence. 


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This blog originally appeared on http://www.wsidigitalatlas.com/leander-cpa-firm-retains-wsi-to-promote-401k-plan-auditing-services/

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