Family Owned RV Center Partners with WSI for Website Optimization

Madelene - 2017-11-29

Nohr’s RV Center, a family owned RV center in Tracy, California, recently partnered with WSI to increase traffic to their website.  Nohr’s is currently run by the third generation of the family that started the business in 1963. They sell both new and used RVs in a variety of sizes, in addition to offering service and maintenance for RVs.  Nohr’s also buys used RV’s as well as taking them in on consignment.

Owner Shanw Nohr has aggressive goals for growth over the next several years and WSI was brought in to optimize their website through keyword research and paid per click campaigns. These strategies will improve their performance through Google organic search and Google paid search.

Nohr's RV Center logo

The core focus of these campaigns will be:

Motorhomes – http://www.nohrsrv.com/motorhomes-for-sale-tracy-livermore-santa-cruz-ca–xallinventory?vt=motorhome

Teardrop Trailers – http://www.nohrsrv.com/teardrop-trailers-for-sale-tracy-livermore-santa-cruz-ca–xallinventory?vc=teardrop

Travel Trailers – http://www.nohrsrv.com/travel-trailers-for-sale-tracy-livermore-santa-cruz-ca–xallinventory?ac=travel trailer|travel trailer – lite

Fifth Wheels – http://www.nohrsrv.com/fifth-wheels-for-sale-tracy-livermore-santa-cruz-ca–xallinventory?vc=fifth wheel

In addition to the onsite optimization, WSI has implemented an offsite digital marketing strategy as well.  This includes creating new blogs and unique content on WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr.

Implementation is already well underway and is playing a significant role in moving current RV inventory.

This post originally appeared:  https://wsiconnect.com/blog/family-owned-rv-center-partners-wsi-website-optimization/

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WSI - Helping Ideas Realise Their Potential

AED One-Stop Shop in Albuquerque hired WSI to improve their Internet Presence

Madelene - 2015-10-02


AED One-Stop Shop hand selects AED defibrillator products and services for their clients. AED One-Stop Shop utilizes vast experience and industry knowledge to assess the clients situation and specific needs. Some customers are concerned with product technology and ease of use. Others value training and support, while some focus on mitigating risks and compliance with laws. You can buy AEDs here.

WSI has completed on-page optimization for the web site.  The off-page strategy will include customer reviews, extensive blog posting, and citation building.  Reviews will be managed and syndicated by a verified third party review site and blog accounts created at Blogger, Tumblr, Ghost.io, Weebly and WordPress.  Posting will also be done on the Local Google+ pages.  Also citation building with high quality directories and social media will be part of the plan. 

WSI will provide monthly reporting to show progress and highlight the key performance indicators, KPIs.

WSI has over 1,000 offices in 81 countries around the world. WSI provides digital marketing services on a scale that local providers cannot match with 20 years of experience. 

This blog originally appeared on http://wsiwebenhancers.com/aed-one-stop-shop-albuquerque-hired-wsi-improve-internet-presence/

La Red Floral, an alternative healthcare company, relies on WSI for SEO

Madelene - 2015-09-08

La Red Floral image

La Red Floral is an organization that promotes health, personal development and life quality through training, therapies, and products related to alternative therapies, such as therapy of past lives, floral therapy or Bach flower therapy,  Ho’oponopono, emotional reading of the body and therapy for bipolar disorder.


SEO Strategy and Optimization

WSI was hired by La Red Floral to develop a SEO strategy. The first phase of on-page optimization has been completed. It consisted in optimizing 5 web pages and make some adjustments to the site in order to make it able to be positioned. These 5 pages are focused on 5 main services offered by La Red Floral:

Production of Social Signals

Also WSI is running the off-page optimization phase in order to increase the popularity of La Red Floral, which also includes the creation of profiles in business directories, customer reviews, external blogs (like Google+, WordPress, Tumblr, Weebly y gHost) and producing signals in social networks.

La Red Floral goal is to organize training, entertaining and educational activities about disciplines and holistic technics for health and well-being. La red Floral also aims for the creation of healthcare spaces and personal development. They also promote their services through related publications about knowledge and tools for health and well-being. Finally, they investigate, design, develop and promote related products.

This post originally appeared on http://www.wsiwebdeal.com/la-red-floral-salud-alternativa-se-apoya-en-wsi-para-seo/

WSI Sweden, email: info@wsiwebanalys.se
Website: WSI Sweden

Tumblebees Ultimate Gym Partners with WSI for Additional SEO Services

Madelene - 2015-03-12

Tumblebees Sports Training Facility and Professional Coaching for Children

Since 1986, Tumblebees Ultimate Gym has been committed to helping over 35,000 children develop their physical aptitude, fitness, sport and life skills. The Tumblebees sports training facility and their professional coaches offer instruction to all ages of children – from beginners to world-class athletes, competing in International competition. Originally a developmental gymnastics academy, Tumblebees Ultimate Gym now also offers recreational and competitive programs in tumbling and trampoline, cheerleading, diving, dance, karate and rock climbing, in its Greensboro locations.

 Tumblebees Ultimate Gym

Increasing Traffic and Leads

WSI was retained by Tumblebees Ultimate Gym in January of last year to optimize their website and increase traffic and leads from parents of young children who desired a structured and fun, fitness development program.  Once keyword research for all sports disciplines was exhausted, 19 keywords were selected and nine pages on the site were optimized and additional content was provided. 

First Page Rankings

Within six months, 9 keywords had first page rankings and 3 keywords had second page rankings. By year-end, the number of sessions and traffic on the site had increased by 40% and the pages viewed had increased by 61%. 

Tumblebee Gym

Content Calender and Digital Marketing Plan

This year, the digital marketing plan will include an increased budget, persona research to better understand their potential client and creation and syndication of relevant content to several social sites, including a little used Google+ page. With the help of a content calendar, regular posts will be made to the social accounts and also to new blog accounts on Blogger and Tumblr. Citation building will also be a vital part of the off page optimization strategy to drive traffic and build links to their Tumblebees.com site.

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