WSI Retained by Rainey & Rainey for Additional Digital Marketing Services

Madelene - 2016-03-17

Rainey & Rainey Attorneys

Rainey and Rainey Attorney, a Waco Texas Law Firm specializing in Elder Law and Serious Personal Injury matters, has retained WSI to continue their digital marketing services for their local web presence.

WSI was originally retained by Rainey and Rainey in early 2015 to assist with their local SEO and Paid Search campaigns. The initial project included creating SEO landing pages optimized for specific keywords.  The on-page optimization was followed up with organic link building and a small paid search campaign.  To date, the campaign has produced modest results, and the client is expanding efforts in 2016.

In 2016, we will be redesigning the firm website to improve the usability for people on a mobile device.  This will include placing key calls to action on the home page for those who are looking for a personal injury lawyer, truck accident attorney, probate lawyer, or estate planning assistance.

Additional activities will include linking back to the targeted pages with blog posts at Blogger, WordPress and Google+ focused on elder law, personal injury, and estate planning issues.  Also, relevant posts for Rainey and Rainey Attorneys will be posted to Tumblr and a Google+ brand page.

We look forward to a continued partnership with Rainey and Rainey Attorneys in Waco Texas.

 WSI is one of the largest digital marketing agencies in the world, with over 1,000 offices in 81 countries.  Born in 1995, at the birth of the Internet, we have always been, and always will be, an entirely digital marketing agency.  We understand that no two businesses are the same, so we take the time to understand our client’s organization and build campaigns that help achieve their goals.

Originally posted on:  http://www.wsiinternetpartners.com/wsi-retained-by-rainey-rainey-for-additional-digital-marketing-services/

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