The Next WSI Social Selling Mastery Course

Madelene - 2014-08-22

WSI’s Social Selling Mastery Course – all you need to increase your leads and sales

At WSI we want to help teach your sales reps how they can be adding value to this social buying cycle and transform the way they sell, so they can help provide true insight throughout the buyer’s journey and ultimately win your company more business.

With our 12-Module Social Selling Training program, we’ll teach your sales professionals how to:

  • Optimize their Social Profiles
  • Develop a roadmap of their ideal buyer persona
  • Learn to share and curate valuable content
  • Social Listening – monitor social channels for Trigger Events
  • Teach the “Sphere of Influence” and “Priority Shifting” strategies
  • Build a GUARANTEED Social Lead Generation program
  • Develop powerful, internal Assets to drive internal leads
  • Connect these Assets to a Social Selling campaigns for lead conversion
  • Use Social Selling for Competitive Intelligence
  • Integrate Advanced Social Selling tools to amplify lead generation efforts



If you want to be able to adapt and stay relevant with today’s consumers, your sales reps need to become a hybrid of traditional sales (phone, email and voicemail) mixed with a strong social presence, social clout and thought leadership.

To learn more about how our cutting-edge Social Selling coaches can transform your sales team into modern, social selling machines, please email: info@wsiwebanalys.se

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