WSI in Ottawa Removes Traffic Barriers for ReferralMortgages.com

Madelene - 2017-02-04

ReferralMortgages.com are expert Ottawa mortgage agents who strive to make the mortgage process an easy and rewarding process for their clients. When the client contacted WSI eStrategies in Ottawa, they had a new site but they weren’t getting traffic. Frustrated and fed up, they hired WSI to get the work done to remove the traffic barriers that were hindering their success.

After deep analysis, WSI eStrategies found that the new site was not passing Google’s mobile-friendly test and search engines could not properly index the pages in the site. This was causing the lack of traffic for ReferralMortgages.com.

The solution was to move the site to WordPress CMS with responsive web design as well as ensuring proper on page and best practice SEO fundamentals were implemented. Once the design work was finished, the site passed the mobile-friendly test with no further issues. Local SEO strategies were applied to five key pages and WSI implemented a content marketing strategy to improve engagement. Despite the site mapping, local SEO efforts and content marketing being launched only a few short months ago, SERPS are already showing vast improvement with one of our targeted keywords ranking on the first page! ReferralMortages.co received their first ever online lead only 1 month after hiring WSI.

Finding a mortgage in Ottawa and surrounding areas that has terms and rates that work in favour of the applicant is challenging at best. ReferralMortgages.com works for the applicant, not a financial institution, often getting the best possible outcomes for their clients. Some of the optimized pages highlighting their services include:

First Time Homebuyers
Commercial Mortgages
Investment Properties
Bad Credit Mortgages

Both WSI and ReferralMortgages.com look foreword to a long and profitable relationship that will help brand this modern company and give it the recognition it well deserves.

This post originally appeared here @ http://wsiestrategies.com/wsi-in-ottawa-removes-traffic-barriers-for-referralmortgages-com/

For strategic SEO and increased lead generation services in Sweden, contact Madelene Wadelius, WSI Sweden.

Digital Marketing Consultant


Montessori School of Fremont enlists WSI to Increase Enrollment

Madelene - 2015-04-15

Montessori West is a family of 11 authentic Montessori Schools located in the Bay Area. There are many interpretations of Montessori teaching, but Montessori West prides itself on a curriculum based on authentic Montessori method and philosophies.

WSI partners with Montessori

PPC Campaign 

The owners of Montessori West initially enlisted the help of digital marketing firm WSI Connect to promote its newest school, Montessori School of Pleasanton, which opened in 2014. WSI created a PPC campaign in order to increase traffic for their website and ultimately increase the number of prospective families scheduling a tour of their facility.

Based on the tremendous success with that school, Montessori West is entrusting WSI with a family of six schools under the Montessori Schools of Fremont umbrella. These schools are:

Content Marketing Campaign 

Along with Montessori of Pleasanton, these six schools will be the subject of a robust content marketing campaign with an editorial calendar already mapped out six months in advance. This content will be shared on sites like Twitter, WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger.

Montessori West has a strong lineup of authentic Montessori schools and WSI is committed to getting the word out to the public and encouraging more prospective families to schedule a tour.

This blog was originally posted on the WSI Connect blog at:  http://info.wsi-connect.com/blog/montessori-school-of-fremont-enlists-wsi-connect-to-increase-enrollment

Leading Specialty Lamp Manufacturer Engages WSI for SEO Implementations

Madelene - 2015-02-18

New WSI SEO Project

LightSources is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of UVC, specialty fluorescent, and sign lamps of all kinds. Based in Orange, Connecticut, they serve both large and small OEMs with custom lamps designed and engineered for a large range of applications.

Lightsource Image 1 SEO project uv-water-purification

As a means of increasing their new lead flow, LightSources engaged WSI to optimize their web site for 35 primary keywords.  The first step in this project was on-page optimization involving the creation of 35 new SEO landing pages.  These pages were optimized for three kinds of terms:

1) Keywords that describe what the company IS, such as “light bulb manufacturers

2) Keywords that describe what the company DOES, such as “custom light bulbs

3) Keywords for INFORMATION about end product applications, such as “uv water purification

Lightsourse image 2 SEO project uv-light-suppliers

The 35 pages were implemented on the site by the end of January, and in February we moved into the off-page optimization phase.  This phase involves the creation of unique original content about the types of products that they make such as low-pressure mercury lamps and UV germicidal lamps.  This content will then be posted on company specific blogs on WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, and the company’s Google+ page.  These blogs will help build page authority for the new SEO pages by linking to them.

At the conclusion of the off-page part of the program, we expect LightSources will have a steady flow of new leads from searchers looking for a top-notch manufacturer of custom UV light bulbs.

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