WSI Completes On Page SEO for Governors State University Site

Madelene - 2014-12-02


WSI has recently completed the on-page search engine optimization for Governors State University, an Illinois state university located 35 miles south of Chicago. This year comes on top of an exciting year for GSU as they have transitioned from an upper-division public university that admitted only juniors, seniors and graduate-level students to a full 4-year university. As a four-year public university, they are currently serving more than 5,500 students and offer 64 degree and 24 certificate programs.

As with all SEO projects, WSI’s first step is deep key word research for the undergraduate division as well as five schools and colleges. As the website’s current pages use very precise language to describe the various programs, it was decided that they should remain “as is” to convey that information to prospective students.

To accommodate the new SEO copy, a new section on the site was created. This section was titled “browse”. The SEO landing pages in this section give visitors an overview of the university and its programs with links to the more informational pages. In total 90 new optimized landing pages were added to the site.

For the undergraduate project WSI’s research identified general keywords such as “colleges in chicago” and “chicago colleges”, as well as more specific keywords such as “business degree” and “psychology degree”. WSI then tackled the five schools and colleges, primarily focusing on graduate degrees, to match keywords to appropriate new landing pages.

Examples of some of the high volume keywords are shown below:

College of Arts and Sciences

adult education, masters in computer science, communications degree, and it degree

School of Extended Learning

esl and six sigma certification chicago

College of Education

ed.d degree and masters in education

College of Health and Human Services

masters in nursing and masters in health administration

College of Business and Public Administration

mba and accounting degree

Off-page search engine optimization for GSU will begin in December. This involves creating content with relevant links on various third-party websites to improve their page rank. This activity sends direct as well as indirect traffic to the site. Blogs at Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr as well as local directory listings will be the major focus of this campaign.

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