YoQuiero Mercadotecnia partners with WSI to optimize their web presence

Madelene - 2016-02-03


YoQuiero Mercadotecnia is a Company that revolves around helping other companies market their products and services through promotion, BTL marketing and digital marketing. As part of their everyday work, they have come to offer design as part of their services since 2014. The Company has been in business for almost 20 years and serves clients all around the Yucatan Peninsula from an office in the city of Merida, Yucatan. Promotion marketing (mercadotecnia promocional) has been the pillar that supports the company since its beginnings. Nonetheless, the importance that internet has come to increasingly gain and the need of better design derived onto increase our service options to precisely those 2 services.

YoQuiero Mercadotecnia already has a new web site but wants to position the web site and the brand on the internet to seize the current demand of this kind of services. The new web site was built with the user in mind to generate as many leads as possible. The on-page optimization is currently taking place with 4 relevant keywords in mind found during the investigation. The pages that are being optimized are the following:





Starting February, the off-page optimization stage of the strategy will begin to be executed as planned to increase the popularity of the Company, and this includes the creation of listings in business´s directories and posting of theme related articles on off-site blogs such as Google+, Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr and Weebly. The blog articles will be optimized with anchor text that supports the four main lines of business and will focus on areas of interest to customers and prospects. The content will be shared on the company´s social media channels to increase awareness about the services.

The main purpose of YoQuiero Mercadotecnia is to be a marketing and communications agency that returns sales and top of mind for their client´s brand through a combination of traditional and modern channels, like digital marketing. Promotion marketing is a form of persuasive communication that has as main purpose stimulate short term demand and sales in a direct and immediate manner. The final goal is to produce a positive return on investment.


About WSI

WSI is one of the world’s largest digital marketing agencies and a leader in internet marketing, local SEO, national SEO, Paid Search and Social Media Marketing. With over 1,100 offices in 82 countries around the globe, WSI has helped thousands of companies develop and execute comprehensive digital marketing strategies. Contact WSI today to discuss your goals, or do an analysis of your current marketing activities.

This post originally appeared on: http://www.wsiposicionayvende.com/yoquiero-mercadotecnia-se-apoya-en-wsi-para-su-estrategia-de-posicionamiento-local/


Insurance Agency ARP engages WSI for their Web Positioning with SEO

Madelene - 2015-06-29

Analistas en Riesgos Patrimoniales, Agente de Seguros y Fianzas S. A. de C. V. (ARP), aware of the commercial explosion that happened in the field of risk prevention and the insurance market, strengthens its advertising presence on the Internet by entrusting its SEO to WSI.

ARP is a company whose mission is to ensure that its customers have a scheme to deal with financial losses or requirements of significant expense, unless they endanger their financial, physical or emotional stability, and in this way contribute to the safe and consistent development of their patrimony.


Attentive to the increase in the potential market that represents the insurance market on the Internet, ARP has begun its online advertising strategy taking advantage of the change in customer behavior that has been observed in the insurance sector for the recent years.

ARP is supporting in WSI, a digital marketing solutions company, to develop its advertising strategy on the Internet so that they will gain market share in this online potential market.



In the first step, six new optimized web pages were added for SEO, and one existing page was updated. These pages are the following:








Each month WSI will provide to ARP a detailed report of the performance of the SEO campaign that shows the results, activities and in depth analysis of their Google Analytics data to assess the effectiveness of the SEO campaign as a result of the on-page and off-page optimizations.

ARP offers services that are differentiated by their professionalism, great customer service and honesty, focused on providing the best solution for the prevention of financial risks of companies or persons served by ARP.


This post originally appeared on this WSI blog: http://www.wsiwebdeal.com/arp-contrata-a-wsi-para-su-posicionamiento-web-con-seo/ and was translated to English Language. For more info, contact: 

WSI Web Deal: WTC – Montecito 38 Piso 28 Oficina 12 Col. Nápoles C.P. 03810 D. F. Mexico

For WSI Digital Marketing Services in Sweden, contact: info@wsiwebanalys.se

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