TechPowerBackup Retains WSI to Create Their New Website. | Digital marknadsföring och affärsutveckling

TechPowerBackup Retains WSI to Create Their New Website

TechPowerBackup  data backup imageTechPowerBackup  data backup image

TechpowerBackup is a subsidiary of The MSM Technology Group, who has been serving the business community for more than 35 years by manufacturing computers for industry.

Techpowerbackup is a new venture, which provides these businesses backup and disaster recovery services and protection in a convenient and competitively priced package. The services cater to businesses from several to hundreds of computers, and provides protection in the event of natural disasters as well as local interruptions and failures.

With the knowledge that per studies conducted 60% of companies that lose their data will shut down within 6 months; AND 72% of businesses that suffer a major data loss shut their doors within 24 months Mitchell Marcus decided in 2015 to expand his business services to protect his current customer base, and additionally to businesses at large.

WSI was selected to initially provide a new website, and ultimately will be providing marketing services to expand the reach of the service on a national basis.

TechPowerBackup may be reached through their internet location at

WSI is one of the largest digital marketing agencies in the world, with over 1,000 offices in 81 countries.  Born in 1995, at the birth of the Internet, we have always been, and always will be, an entirely digital marketing agency.  We understand that no two businesses are the same, so we take the time to understand our client’s organization and build campaigns that help achieve their goals.

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