Sales people and Account managers have been the main information source for B2B buyers and it has been like this from the beginning of Business to Business (B2B). If people wanted to learn about about a product or service they needed to engage with a sales person to find out the information. This placed the sales person in a position of power and they could influence the decision from early on in the research process.
This model of the sales person holding the power is no longer.
The Corporate Executive Board conducts research every year interviewing B2B buyers, C-suite Executives, Middle managers – the entire B2B buyers suite –. This research claims that 57% of the B2B buyers decision is complete before they call in the sales rep. They search on Google, LinkedIn & Twitter to get their information.
This is a big problem because if your buyers have already made up 57% of their minds with regards to your products and services. It pretty much leaves you as the supplier to bargain on price and you become commoditized.
So if you’re not good at social selling, you will always show up late for the show. That’s really a big issue because we all want to be considered at the very early stages of our buyers consideration when it comes to what we sell.
Why I Believe in Social Selling
Why should you add social selling as an important ingredient and top strategy in your sales process? Hear what the Social Selling Sepcialists think about it.
Insights from the social selling specialists and trainers – Social Selling Education.
Social Selling Education and Training in Sweden – WSI WebAnalys. Även social selling utbildningar i Sverige. Bli Social Selling B2B Certifierad. Företagsanpassade och öppna utbildningar och Executive utbildning. Även coaching och workshops i LinkedIn, Twitter m.m. Kostnadsfri föreläsning i social selling B2B. Du kan också boka in en föreläsare som kommer till ditt företag eller en heldagsutbildning.
This article was originally posted and published @ LinkedIn.