WSI Implements SEO for Tomlinson McKinstry Law Firm | Digital marknadsföring och affärsutveckling

WSI Implements SEO for Tomlinson McKinstry Law Firm

Tomlinson McKinstry imageTomlinson McKinstry image

Tomlinson McKinstry, a trial attorney firm in Oklahoma City, OK, has partnered with WSI to increase search engine traffic to their website ( The firm provides a wide variety of legal solutions for their clients across several areas of expertise, including Insurance Litigation, Inventions and Branding, Litigation and Product Safety, Business Transactions and Disputes, Personal Injury, and Employer Defense.

Tomlinson McKinstry had recently implemented a new web site, and realizing that no traffic was being directed to the site, engaged WSI to optimize their website through keyword research and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). These strategies have been proven to improve Google organic search performance.

The WSI team was immediately able to determine that there were several issues with the web site itself that made it virtually invisible to the search engines. Over time, we were able to correct the issues and then began on-site optimization efforts for the existing site pages.

The focus of the optimization has been the following keywords:

In addition to the on-site optimization, WSI has implemented an off-site digital marketing strategy as well. We have aligned their Google MyBusiness, Bing, and Yelp entries as well as over 40 additional local directory name, address, and phone entries. Implementation is already well underway and we have already seen a steady increase in site traffic.

Monthly reporting has been put into place in order to report and demonstrate progress.

WSI is the global leader in digital marketing with over 1,000 digital marketing consultants in over 80 countries. We help business harness the power of the internet to improve their ROI. On average, there are over two billion searches done on Google daily. Consumers are using the results in search engines to help them make informed decisions in every industry. If you aren’t ranking well for your specific keywords, you are probably missing out on significant traffic to your site and ultimately customers. WSI would be happy to discuss your goals, or do an analysis of your current marketing activities.

This post originally appeared here:

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