WSI Partners with HinderRUST™

WSI Partners with HinderRUST™

Madelene - 2015-12-16

HinderRUST products

WSI, the world’s largest internet marketing company, announces it has partnered with Fluoramics Inc. makers of HinderRUST™ (, the worlds most advanced rust inhibitor and automotive undercoating product.

HinderRUST™ is the first scientifically formulated rust inhibitor with surface-active adsorption chemistry, preventing rust longer and more completely than any other rust preventer in the world. The Rust Stopping power of HinderRUST™ was developed by world-renowned lubricant chemist Franklin G. Reick, also the inventor of Tufoil, an engine oil  lubrication additive that holds the Guinness Book record as the world’s most efficient lubricant.

What Sets HinderRUST™ Apart

Unlike most other rust inhibitors, HinderRUST™ is based on solid science and chemistry. As a surface active product, HinderRUST™ attacks existing corrosion and displaces moisture as it reaches deep into the smallest areas to penetrate the base metal, putting an end to rust and corrosion without needing to be reapplied every season.

Applications for HinderRUST™ include:

  • Industrial Machinery
  • Prevents rust during transit or storage of metal products
  • Maritime or shore side equipment
  • Auto and Truck undercoating
  • Household tools and equipment
  • Leisure Vehicle preservation and leisure Equipment
  • Special Formula for Guns and Firearm rust protection.

HinderRUST image

WSI Marketing Program for National Brand Development

WSI consulted on the design and development of the HinderRUST ecommerce website and designed a broad national marketing program, which is focused both consumer and corporate clients.  The program is designed to build brand recognition and awareness for the rapidly growing product line. Target markets were identified and a fully custom marketing program and custom content were conceived. The WSI team then expertly weaved these new concepts into the visual and structural redesign of their existing website and all online brand properties.

Through its elite national branding program, WSI customized a content strategy for HinderRUST™ through on-page and off-page activities. Using our unique and proprietary techniques of Search Engine Optimization, WSI conducted an in-depth keyword study in order to better understand how customers will search for terms related to the brand. These key search terms were then mapped into a strategic hierarchy for the company website and a series of technical and content specifications.  WSI’s National SEO Program will also produce quality blog, graphic, social media and video content to syndicate on external web properties including Tumblr, WordPress, and Weebly in addition to several other WSI exclusive media and content distribution hubs.

Contact WSI Today

For further details on WSI’s capabilities and strategies around SEO, SEM, Paid Search, and online marketing opportunities in general, please contact us for a free marketing analysis and consultation.

This blog was originally posted at


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