WSI Wins 4 MobileWebAwards | Digital marknadsföring och affärsutveckling

WSI Wins 4 MobileWebAwards

WSI's Mobile Web AwardsWSI's Mobile Web Awards

The Web Marketing Association (WMA) 2015 MobileWebAwards

WSI, the world’s largest network of Digital Marketing Consultants, has received 4 awards in the 2015 MobileWebAwards, issued by the Web Marketing Association (WMA). In its first year entering the competition, WSI won in the following award categories: Outstanding Mobile Website, Best Arts Mobile Website, Best Family Mobile Website, and Best Show Mobile Website.

Best Mobile AwardBest Mobile Award     WMA - Web Marketing AssociationWMA - Web Marketing Association

The MobileWebAwards (#mobilewebawards), is a premier annual mobile website competition that sets a standard of excellence for mobile website and app development. In 2015, WSI Digital Marketing Consultants who were recognized are:

  • Jason Gervais and Denise Gervais, WSI Consultants from Canada, received the Outstanding Mobile Website for FirePower Kids. (
  • Paul Chavez, WSI Consultant from Ecuador, received the Best Arts Mobile Website for Legardo. (
  • Kristjan-Paul Raude, WSI Consultant from Estonia received 2 awards, Best Family Mobile Website and Best of Show Mobile for Lasterjaam. (

Mobile Awards for WSIMobile Awards for WSI

Thrilled of WSI’s accomplishments, Mark Dobson, Co-founder and CEO of WSI commented;

“With 4 prestigious MobileWebAwards, these awards showcases our network’s drive for innovations and quality of excellence. We are very proud of our team and I’d like to take this opportunity congratulate the winners and commend them on their incredible work. As digital marketing continues to evolve towards mobile, winning these awards is a true recognition of our knowledge of the digital space as well as our dedication to technological progress”.

The Web Marketing Association (WMA) has been organizing its annual MobileWebAwards for 4 years, and was founded to honor those individuals and organizations responsible for developing the best in mobile websites and apps. Websites submitted to the MobileWebAwards are critiqued on various aspects of mobile web development, including, creativity design, interactivity, use of medium, impact, content and ease of use.

WSI received 7 Standard of Excellence Awards at the Annual WebAwards Competition organized by the Web Marketing Association (WMA). Since first competing in 2007, WSI has earned a total of 55 WMA WebAwards.

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